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Hi, I'm Adrienne

Adrienne Lopez, MA, CHT, RYT
Integrative Healing Coach, Somatic Practitioner, and Energy Healer 


I am committed to raising of consciousness so that we can create a regenerative relationship to our planet. One the ways I do this is through my work mentor individuals and groups in re-integrating the different aspects of their consciousness, body, emotions, mind, and soul, that have become disowned, repressed, or fragmented at no fault of their own. It is a product of survival and adaptive stress response in the nervous system. However, this causes life energy, pure potential, to become frozen and stuck in the past.


Part of this is clearing the "storehouse" of in-form-a-tion (individual and generational) that has been inevitably imprinted on the unconscious mind through conditioning. This unprocessed psycho-spiritual material causes restriction and ultimately prevents the human organism from truly optimizing its design most completely.


As a coach and mentor, I offer tools and practices to support you in clearing core issues not often available through talk therapy, because they are below the level of the conscious mind doing the speaking. To do this, I work collaboratively with you to develop a personal action plan, to effectively guide you to achieve results, from the most expansive model of consciousness available--the quantum realm. It's effective because it includes the larger context of our existence that holds the power a co-creator. This shift in perspective, re-orientates your center of gravity, making new possibilities suddenly become available. Using a range of healing modalities to promote complete wellness on levels of your being, I support you in holding the space to make positive changes in those "stuck" areas of your life.



​My Training, Lineages and Influences:


BA, Writing and Cultural Studies: California State University, San Marcos

MA, Writing and Cultural Politics: University of Edinburgh, Scotland

MA, English Teaching Credential: Fortune School of Education, CA


Advaita or Jnana yoga with guiding teachers:

Ramachandra Fry (Roger Fry) in the lineage of Ramana Maharshi

James Swartz, Bhagavita


Vipassana and Mindfulness Meditation guiding teachers:

Mindfulness Schools Yea-long Facilitator Training: Chris McKenna, Megan Cowan, Vinny Ferrero and Pam Dunn

Diana Winston, Director of UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC)

Matthew Brensilver, Teachers Council and Guiding Teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.

Mark Coleman, Senior Meditation teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center


Non-Violent Communication, Restorative Justice guiding teachers and influences:

Marshal Rosenburg, Founder of NVC

Dian Killian, Founder of the Brooklyn Center of NVC

NVC Practioner Training: Kathy Simon, Senior Trainer at the Oakland Center of NVC


Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist guiding teachers and influences:

Holly Holmes Meredith, LMFT and Clinical Director

Milton Erickson, Advanced Past life Regression Practices

Emotional Freedom Technique, Levels I and II

Native American Traditions of Shamanism


Reiki and Energy Healing with guiding teachers:


Reiki, Levels I and II in the lineage of Dr. Usui

Energy Active Point Energy Healing, Jim Gilkison, Massage Therapy Institute

Sound Healing and Cacao Ceremonial Residency, Thomas Love,  Sounds of Light Mystery School

Intuitive Energy Healing and Readings, Kawena Charlot, Intuitive Path Academy and Berkeley Psychic Institute

The AlchemE of Epi-energetics, Donny Epstein and the Epi-Energetics Institute


Hatha Yoga Teacher (200-RYT) and continued education with:


Dhyanyoga Center, Hatha yoga with Shri Anandi Ma with Janani English 

Liz Heffernan, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT is an international yoga teacher and Integrative Yoga Therapist

Hridaya Yoga international, Module 1 and 2 meditation and Hatha Yoga, school of non-dual Kashmir Shaivism and Ramana Maharshi 


Group Facilitation guiding Teachers and influences:

Field Facilitation Training, Trauma Informed Relational, Somatic Processes: Catherine Hale, Rachel Rickards, Christian Pankhurst, and David Cates

Creative Field Project, Small Group Practices and Facilitation: David Karchere and Sunrise Ranch Practitioners



I am a spiritual explorer, currently residing in Portland, Oregon but have traveled widely. I've been called to visit different countries, from Asia to Europe and Central America. My sense of adventure has also been extremely nourishing for my soul!


Over the last 30 years, I've also been called on an internal, self-healing journey, coming home to myself. I now serve as a tour guide of sorts, sharing my knowledge,  wisdom, and experience of the terrain with other inner voyagers! 


Each coaching session is designed to meet each client’s unique needs, allowing a natural plan of action to emerge that best empowers each person in their life. I enjoy working with adults as well as youth.​


To find out more about the services I offer, please visit me go to the Services tab HERE.​


Read more about "the work" below:

​​​Many try to solve their problems or overcome the obstacles in their life with their survival strategies, wondering why they produce more of the same.​ Life coaching from a somatic perspective isn’t about more of the same!


It isn’t about goal setting, writing more "to do" lists, or fixing conditions (all these things might happen as as result). It’s about getting to the root or the "why" of your problem, your pain at the most fundamental level.


There is a reason why a particular condition, situation, or relationship is in your life—and until you really address that core cause, the symptom will remain. While some coaches are behavior and goal orientated, and others process focused, my approach emerges from a presence centered focus, which is the foundation of unfoldment and growth.


You may have been going over the same ground again and again…unable to see your blind spot. You may have tried everything, but your life just won’t budge. Or, you go two steps forward, and ten steps back. And you’re soooo.....frustrated, because you've tried everything, and you know you are worth it! You are worth having a life of your dreams—you have valuable gifts to share and they need to be shared with the world like NOW! 


But you’ve sat on your dream, waiting until just the right time—but, it hasn’t come yet! And the clock keeps ticking, and you wonder what it is going to take.


Taking responsibility for many of the aspects of our existence, that we were all taught to project outside ourselves—on to authority figures, institutions, systems of knowledge, etc. is what is required now! While we ALL need support and guidance during this re-membering of our power and authority, it is definitely time for us to fully wield our own! Investing in yourself and hiring a “high vibe” coach is one effective way to expand your potential at an exponential rate.

 “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."                                                                                                               

                                                                                                                  ~Carl Jung


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