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New Online Mindfulness Course

Writer: Adrienne LopezAdrienne Lopez

Hi There--I am excited to announce that I'm offering a new, six-week, on-line Mindfulness 101 course starting Sunday, May 1st. This course will allow you some time to reflect on your habits of mind. Your consciousness is fluid, not fixed or static. When you intentionally set time aside to reflect on your own awareness, you can begin to recognize your go-to mental, emotional tendencies. This can create more space around these habitual ways of being, allowing more freedom about how we interact to life situations. Mindfulness can support you in skillfully choosing how you respond to life challenges. Check it out! Go to the On-line Course "Tab" on my website and select "Mindfulness 101" to review the course outline, cost, and to register. Send me an email if you have any questions. I hope to see you there!

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