There is not one person I've spoken with in my coaching practice and friend circle, that hasn't had some source of emotional or mental pain that they are dealing with, or attempting to overcome. This week I discuss the role of pain in our becoming, or in understanding the true nature of reality. You may have heard the phrase, there is no other way out, but through it. We must be willing to feel it, to identify it's source in relationship to our perception of reality and our construction of self, as an Ego.
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Hi, my name is Adrienne Lopez, and I am the Integrative Awareness Coach (MA, CHT, and RYT) --combining ancient, eastern systems of knowledge-meditation and yoga, with modern day approaches to understanding self-development, human consciousness, and Self-realization. Traveling around the world on my own self-healing journey, I pull from a diverse repertoire of tools including the traditional practices Advaita Vedanta, Vipassana, Mindfulness, and yoga—considered as the original sciences of consciousness—as well as the modern-day sciences of neurobiology, quantum physics, and energy medicine. In this way, I developed a specific approach to Quantum Life Coaching (IAC) that is informed by my own personal healing process, and is shaped by both an esoteric and scientific lens.
If you are interested in working with me or would like more information about my rates and services, please reach out through my website, or the Mindheart-space Facebook page. In the meantime, take care out there!
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#HealingTrauma #TranspersonalHypnotherapy #empathy #QuantumHealing #OriginStories #Healing #Wellbeing #comptemplativepractices #LifeCoaching #GrowthandSelfDevelopment #Coaching